

2022年3月健康通讯 - March is "Spring Clean Your Mind and Body" Month!

Spring is (almost) here, and it's time to shake off the Winter cobwebs - and not only in your home!

Spring clean your mind and body with our month-long "Spring Cleaning" series. And, take a much needed Spring break with Ola, the March Wellness Campaign!


What better way to shake off the winter months than a Spring virtual trip to Hawaii?

Ola 报名现已开放!


Ola 在夏威夷语中的意思是 生活和幸福. 准备好乘风而上,以更好的健康 Ola 春季活动将于3月7日开始!  从大岛来的 夏威夷火山国家公园, 到茂密的热带雨林 毛伊岛的哈雷阿卡拉, 到 Molakai岛沿岸高耸的悬崖 rugged north coast, you'll soak up stunning scenes as you 锻炼 your way around our 50th State.


If you are just getting started with 锻炼, aim for 6000 steps a day and work your way up. 如果你已经很活跃了,那就每天走1万步或更多. Each day that you hit your goal, you are awarded with a colorful hibiscus flower on your Ola tree, and you'll reveal a stunning Hawaiian scene from one of the 8 beautiful islands.


注册后,你可以将设备或应用程序连接到你的 Ola 账户. 早上打开手机就行了, then each time you sync it with your computer or app and log into your Ola 帐户,您将看到您的步骤加起来.  手动跟踪? 没问题-您可以手动输入步骤, and you can also convert other activities to steps easily with the Step Converter in Ola.


你的日常活动也很重要! 添加它们很容易-只需手动添加2,000 - 4,根据你一天的活动量,你可以走5000步. For instance, if you stayed mostly at your workstation except for occasional breaks, add 2,000 steps. Add 3,000 steps if you moved a moderate amount and took short walks several times. 如果你一天中运动量很大,可以增加4000步. Once you register, you will see this information and more in the FAQs.  


3月7日(星期一)上午11:00 - 11:30:提升心态

  • Learn tips to reset your mindset toward a more positive outlook for Spring.

3月14日(星期一)上午11:00 - 11:30:放松心情

  • 你的大脑需要放个春假吗? 来个春假吧,用正念放松自己.

3月21日,周一,上午11:00 - 11:30:注意饮食习惯

  • Have you ever eaten something and realized that you didn't actually savor it? 正念饮食帮助澳门十大赌城官方网站意识到自己的想法, 感情, 以及与进食有关的身体感觉. 这个课程是为你的思想和身体准备的!

3月28日,周一,上午11:00 - 11:30:增强你的脑电波

  • Boost your brain health and your mental health in this informative session

March Wellness From the Kitchen with Chef Sandra Lewis: Clean Eating

Tuesday, March 15, 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm: Spicy and Healthy Ramen-Style Chicken Soup

  • 享受一下自家做的辣鸡汤吧. Ramen-Style! 注册在这里

Tuesday, March 22, 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm: Romanian White Bean Dip (hummus)

  • 超级容易准备, this Romanian White Bean Dip will make your taste buds sing with its smoky onion and tomato topping. 新鲜美味! 注册在这里

3月29日,星期二,中午12:00 -下午1:00:牛排

  • Elegance meets simplicity with these showstopping flavors and fresh essence. This dish doesn't take long, and your family will  be pining for a repeat performance! 注册在这里


Wednesday, March 9, 11:00 am - 11:45 am: Easy Ways to Eat Healthy

  • Eating healthy with a busy schedule and on a budget is easy with these tips and strategies!

3月16日(星期三)上午11:00 - 11:45:不要粉饰

  • 春季大扫除你的饮食包括检查你的糖摄入量. 在这个演讲中, you will get tips on choosing food and beverages with less sugar as you also learn the pros and cons of sugar substitution.

Wednesday, March 23, 11:00 am - 11:45 am: The 好处 of Antioxidants

  • Antioxidants are molecules that render unstable molecules called free radicals harmless. Free radicals contribute to many chronic diseases, including heart disease and certain cancers. A diet high in antioxidants can lower your risk of developing chronic diseases.

3月30日,星期三,上午11:00 - 11:45:抑制你的渴望

  • 你压力大的时候会想吃巧克力吗? 也许是冰淇淋或薯片? 这就是所谓的情绪化进食. Learn how to recognize common triggers and how to manage emotional eating.

March Health Promotion 周四s: Spring Clean Your Emotional Wellbeing with the "Power of" Series

周四, 3月10日, 上午11点至11点45分:照顾自己的力量(睡眠), 锻炼, 爱, 食物)

  • Improve health and wellbeing by practicing the simple strategies of taking care of yourSELF (sleep, 锻炼, 爱, 食物).

周四, March 17, 11:00 am - 11:45 am: The Power of Social Support

  • It is well documented that having a social support system to turn to in times of need is very important for overall emotional and physical wellbeing. 社会支持系统可以帮助你获得更广泛的关注, 提高自我形象, 提高你的生活质量. Learn more about benefits and how to build a social support system that is just right for you.

周四, March 24, 11:00 am - 11:45 am: The Power of Resilience

  • Does it sometimes (or often) feel like you are in a meteor shower and dodging meteors left and right? Learn the power of resilience and gain the ability to achieve greater balance, 信心, 以及个人力量来应对任何迎面而来的流星!

周四, March 31, 11:00 am - 11:45 am: The Power of Talk Therapy

  • Talk therapy involves talking to a trained mental health professional about your thoughts, 感情, 和行为. Describing what's going on in your mind and how this makes you feel with a trusted person such as a trained therapist can help you work through negative 感情 and thoughts, which allows you and your therapist to have a dialogue about insights and helpful suggestions.  了解更多谈话治疗的好处, 如何找到合适的治疗师, 以及可供你使用的资源.


Deep breathing is one of the best ways to lower stress in your body. This is because when you breathe deeply, it sends a message to your brain to calm down and relax. 然后大脑将这个信息发送给你的身体. 当你有压力的时候,这些事情就会发生, 比如心率加快, 呼吸紧促, 还有高血压, 当你深呼吸放松时减少. 加入这些呼吸课程,感受不同!

3月11日,周五,上午11:00 - 11:15:深情呼吸

  • Take 15 minutes to breathe as you hold affection for yourself and others. You'll emerge from this mediation with heightened joy and gratitude. 

Friday, March 18, 11:00 am - 11:15 am: Breathe Away Anxious Thoughts

  • Learn and practice a breathing technique to use when anxious thoughts pop up.

星期五,3月25日,上午11:00 - 11:15:全身呼吸

  • We often live "from the neck up" and forget to check in with our bodies. This lack of connection leads to increased stress, both physically and mentally. 用全身呼吸来连接你的思想和身体, which will boost your mood and energy while reducing anxiety and pain. 